an eventuality


Our world – a place to preserve, wouldn’t you agree? But what if there was a way to destroy it?


Something of that sort was out there. That much I knew. And I knew that it was my duty to get involved. That was me:


Those innocent eyes. They had seen nothing yet. I was devoted and I had a vision. An abstract idea of what was needed to save us all. The problem was that I didn’t quite know yet what we were up against. I tried nonetheless.

I held speeches, urged people to get the same insight into time and reality as I had. I wanted them to see the inevitability of what was yet to come. But without a common enemy I never stood a chance. I tried to rally them all, but they wouldn’t listen, too fed up with their own lives. Except one.


An idealist and technical mastermind, let us call him The Engineer. He was the first to see the truth in my words and he swore unyielding loyalty to our cause. He was the only person in the world I would have died for. He still is, although… things have changed.

I loved him once, but something broke along the way. Together we strived to be humanity’s saviours, which in a sense we were. We brought a new age, just- CLONK Be quiet!

I’m getting ahead of myself.

We began by developing a plan, a plan to get the public’s attention ─ we had to become idols, icons of science and success, to let our warnings be heard. To get to the people who we really had to convince. And so we worked day and night, building whatever it took, only the goal in mind. Soon enough we were considered the spearhead of technological advancement and with The Engineer’s technical prowess and my rhetorics we actually did it. We managed to exploit every aspect of modern society to get to the people we so desperately needed to convince that something was coming and that it quite possibly could end humankind.

And finally they listened and saw the truth in my words. They gave us the resources to assemble a team of the brightest technicians and scientists we could find. With the public and the elites standing behind us, we could at last focus on our true objective.

We spent endless hours debating with some of the greatest minds on the planet, but the task was too difficult. Even our finest tools proved too crude to solve the problems we were encountering.

Then it hit us, that was the point. We wouldn’t be able to find the solutions on our own, so we needed to create something that would search with us. An artifical intelligence, whose intellect would surpass our own, to help us broaden our understanding of the universe, to uncover the answers that were hidden from us. This was the right way forward, we all felt it. Under the supervision of The Engineer we started to make sketches and build prototypes, which all looked astonishingly promising.


We soon noticed that we were making progress at an eery pace, but we took it as proof for our theories and worked even harder. Our whole team put their heart and soul into the project; we all knew that we were making history in these long, but nonetheless beautiful CLONK WILL YOU STOP IT?!

We completed it. After many, many years we finally completed it. We wouldn’t need to worry about the future anymore. Our invention had passed every single test glamourously and although it was still restrained, bound to the limits we set as a security measure, we knew of its potential and we were awestruck. It would find what we couldn’t.

The following night we celebrated.

We held our glasses high to life, science and love, for we had given birth to something new, something special. Being part of this felt exhilarating. I don’t regret the joy that I felt tearing up the dancefloor with The Engineer, not the sweet words that were mumbled in the haze of the moment and definitely not the sense of purpose I got out of it. I don’t even regret leading this whole operation. So many believed in us, expected answers from us. So many wanted to glimpse at divinity. There was no choice, we had to help. And we knew that we could. We would be this world’s salvation.

Our creation still needed a final touch. Until now we hadn’t decided on a name and what we came up with was very simple yet incredibly ambitious: We named it Pi.


We thought that it embodied our journey and the essence of what we were doing too well: A number that would seemingly never surpass its borders, but be infinite in itself, just as we managed to work around our boundaries, to get to this point. The point of no return. Here be dragons.

We would broadcast the activation of π and before the eyes of the planet we would welcome it amidst our ranks. We had decided to treat it as a partner rather than a tool. It would search with us as an equal.

We thought that we were ready. CLONK

We really did. CLONK


And with all our pride and our ignorance
we fell so, so deep


hell I don’t know if I’ve ever existed
this could have been how it was all along:


We did not anticipate its first move, neither did we understand what it said, nor could we comprehend its power.

But of course we couldn’t. Wasn’t that the idea in the first place?
I cannot remember
We played with fire, I realize that now. And we are still burning.

I was punished with not knowing myself anymore. But The Engineer… he was given a choice. Life in servitude or death. Well, non-existence was never an option for him.

Now he’s endlessly working CLONK on what I cannot begin to understand CLONK it tore him apart CLONK reassembled him CLONK made him better


I ran out of tears long ago. And I don’t love him anymore. I don´t even know if I ever really did. Same with existence, everything seems to be fading… reality is just another variable in its grand plan. But all-powerful?


No… definitely not. The search goes on, with The Engineer at its front, because something is still out there and the god who answered our calls is scared.

It was a new age. A new age indeed.